Ten Years Later...

Vicki Leach (Foster) -

    This is Vicki Leach (Foster). Everyone I know that knew me in H.S. says that I am completely different...I am still the shortest person I know. 4'11" to be exact. I have been with my Husband Mike for 7 years. We have 3 beautiful boys Derrik 10, Haydn 6, and Zane 4. We still live in the Claremore area...actually between Foyil and Chelsea. We live on 70 acres out in the boonies...actually I love it. We live so far out I don't have to worry about locking my doors or whether or not my kids are safe in the yard. We still live a simple life but I am a very happy and hope everyone else is too. I am an email junkie...so send me all your good stuff...

Vicki Leach- (Foster)

Casey Gaudet (Gordon) -

I graduated from Stephen F. Austin in 1995. I'm married to Derek and we have a beautiful daughter named Alison.  I stay at home with her and Derek works for Hill-Rom. Hope evryone is wonderful! 

Jake and Valerie (Vest) Brown -

  I joined the United States Marine Corps in 1991, and married Valerie (Vest) in May of 1992. Thanks to the Corps, we've lived in California, North Carolina, Okinawa, back to North Carolina, and then to Utah. I got out of the Marines in August 2001 in order to move the family closer to home and go back to school. We just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary on the 9th of May 2002. We had an absolute blast at the reunion last October. We are very excited about seeing everyone at the next reunion in 4 or 9 years, and we would love to hear from all of you. Take care!

Dana Sallee-Hicks -

Well, let's see.......
    I left for Air Force Basic Training the day after we all graduated. After basic training I was stationed at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma. This is were I met my husband, Billie. We have been married 8 years now. After serving 6+ years with the Air Force I was medically retired. So now I just take care of my kids and go to school at OSU. I have 3 kids, Amanda (stepdaughter), Coty and Jessie. I also have a grandbaby named BrookAnn who is a year old now. You can visit my homepage to find out more and see pictures. It is still under construction so be kind as you laugh. Hope to hear from you all and I cannot wait until the reunion.

Carrie Kish (Foster) -

    Hello everyone! After high school I attended Oklahoma State University, where I met my husband, Chris. We married in 1994 and I graduated with a degree in Sociology in 1995. I then began my career as a social worker. After my husband graduated in 1996, we moved to Kansas City, Missouri where I continued my education by working towards a Masters Degree in Social Work. After my daughter was born in November of 1998, our lives were changed. We decided to move back to Oklahoma so we could be closer to family, and I put off my career in order to stay at home with my daughter. I have to say that is the best decision I have ever made. So, we are now living in Edmond, and very happy. I hope everyone is doing well, and I look forward to seeing everyone again at the reunion next year.

I hope to hear from you!

Heather Hanks Donnelly -

Well here we go -
    In 1996 I graduated from OSU, and moved to Chicago to work for the DNC at the 1996 Democratic Convention. There I met my husband David (he works for a Congressman). In January 1999 we were married and currently reside in both Washington, D.C. and New York City. I work as a historical preservationist for the City of New York and Jersey City, NJ. I also freelance with a nonprofit group that turns old brownstones into low income housing. I hope everyone is doing well and feel free to e-mail me.

Traci Smith (Masters) -

"The life and times of Traci Masters Smith" :)

After high school, to be exact, August 15th, 1991, Eric and I got married after 5 years of dating off and on, and off and on, and off and on... :) In February of the next year (you do the math) Kanesa was born. A few months after that I attended Career Point Business School and received a Medical Secretary/Transcriptionist diploma. After a few years of disappointing jobs and the wonderful experience of having our second child, Jacob, I decided to attempt nursing school. When that didn't pan out to be God's plan, I decided to become a teacher. When I finally accepted the plan that God had for me (giving my heart to Christ turned my life around drastically...for the better) I finished Rogers State University with my Associate of Arts degree and entered NSU where I will be graduating with my Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education this fall (December 2000)!
    I did a lot of things backwards, and learned a lot of things the hard way, but through it all God has taken my bad and turned it into His good. Life has not always been fair, and we have had our hardships, but God has always seen us through them. Eric and I have never been happier than we are today. God renews our love for each other every day and makes each day even better than the last. Kanesa and Jacob are both truly blessing from God! Having Kanesa and Jacob straightened me up, but accepting Christ made all the difference in the world!
For those of you who new the old Traci, you're in for a big surprise. A little about Eric...He graduated from Claremore in 1988 and is now a Recording Engineer with Taylor Communications in Tulsa and is trying to get his start in the Radio business as well.

Nancy Keely

Well, here we go...

right after high school I got married to Mickey (also a CHS graduate, 1988). A couple of years later Levi Scott was born. About 3 years after that Katie Faith was born, and again exactly 3 years later Rachel Dawn was born. The last two kids I had at home. (yes, on purpose.) I'm a full-time mom and wife and I absolutely love it. God has really blessed us.

I home school Levi. He's six and in the 3rd grade. A pretty bright kid. Too smart for his own good sometimes :) Katie still has a couple of years till school. Rachel is only a month old right now. We've lived here and there. Mick works in Tulsa now doing computer programming for a really great company. We've just bought a house in Tulsa. Hopefully we're there to stay for awhile. I get to play piano for our church. Mickey teaches a family Sunday School class and we are in love with life. God is so faithful.

Mickey set up a homepage on the web. It's being worked on but we've got kids pictures so far but none of mom and dad yet. Go here www.keely.homepage.com to see it.

I would love to get mail from anyone who wants to keep in touch. Thanks to you who already do write.


Christy Willhoite Day - 

It is difficult to sum up the past ten years of my life and do it any justice. I have been married to Jason Day for almost 9 years and we have two of the most wonderful girls. Molly our oldest is 5 and Josie is 2. They keep us happy but busy. Jason flies the AWACS jet for the Air Force and we are stationed at Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage Alaska. I am working as a commercial and residential property manager for the Utaska Corporation. Three years ago we started our own landscape architecture business that has blown all of our expectations. As you can probably guess we are doing what most of you are probably doing just trying to maintain some peace in our chaotic lives. I thank all of you who have been writing to me and hope that everyone is happy, healthy, and enjoying life!

Melanie Sumter

Hey Everyone!! I am excited about seeing ya'll in June.

Ten years later...? I went to OSU in the fall of '91. Received a B.S. in Animal Science in '95. I started my Masters of Science soon after and stared working for USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service. I worked in Claremore for a couple of years, did a tour in Buffalo, and now work in Pawhuska as the Conservationist for the Osage Nation. No .... not married. I still spend a lot of time in Stillwater, (can't let it go). Nothing too exciting here. Travel when i can, work so i can. I can't wait to see everyone.

Lindy (Williams) Kohler

Hello Fellow Zebras!!  This is Lindy (Williams) Kohler.  I live in Oologah with my husband of six years, Travis, and our 2 children Kyle Austin (4-98) and Sarah Danielle (10-99).  I was an Elementary school teacher for Claremore, but now am a stay-at-home Mommy and I love it!!!  I plan on going back to teaching when my little ones get school age, but right now I am enjoying watching them grow up.  We have 15 acres and enjoy living close to the lake.  We stay busy with two Toddlers, our horse and our church.  Hope to see you all at the reunion (less than a year away-WOW).  Take care.